Jumat, 20 Desember 2019

The Benefits of Technology Implementation in Education

Basically, technology is created to ease humans’ work. Nowadays technology has become the primary needs of humans. Even technology has been used in all aspects of human life, such as in the fields of medicine, communications, military, transportation and education. From those various fields, the implementation of technology in education is still very limited. In reality, the implementation of technology is more widely used in the field of entertainment. This utilization will actually cause a lot of problems such as abuse and harm to the health. Nevertheless, if implemented in education, technology can assist and accelerate educational purposes. Here are some advantages of the application of technology in education.

Senin, 18 November 2019

Character of Education

          As we know that character of education is important. In the character of education need  some effort to be success. Actually the purpose of education is not about make the someone clever but also make the someone has a strong character. The concept of character is not enough to be used as a points in the syllabus and plans to implementation of learning in the school. Should more than that, we have to practice. Began to learn devout about role in the school, and discipline. The school also make character of education as a value that thrive well in the school, and we have to proof it. 

The Importance of Education for Teen

Education is an important thing for develop ourself. Education is the tool for progress someone to be succes. If we want to be success person. We have to looking for a knowledge as much as possible.  Therefore, we as adult must adjust ourself  with the surrounding environment, and norms, values, customs, and ethics in the society. Adolescence is a period of transition between childhood to adulthood.

Sabtu, 16 November 2019


A.  Prepositions
Prepositions have been called the biggest little words in English. They are usually quite short and signification looking, but they have very important functions.
Only the prepositions change, but that is enough to change the meaning entirely. Prepositions are always followed by nouns (or pronouns). They are connective words that show the relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic sentence element: subject, verb, object, or complement. They usually indicate relationship, such as position, place, direction, time, manner, agent, possession, and condition, between their objects and other parts of the sentence. Prepositional phrase usually provide information asked for by the question words who, what, where, when, why, how, and how long.

Jumat, 15 November 2019

True Love Begins With Loving Yourself

"We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to 'speak yourself.'”

 Remarks by BTS' Kim Nam Jun (RM) at the launch of Generation Unlimited, at the UN General Assembly

Not only achievers in the BTS music field that inspire fans. The BTS was represented by its leader RM on Monday (9/24/2018) when New York gave a speech at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly meeting. BTS is present in the program "Youth 2030 UN Youth Strategy" from UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund).

Senin, 11 November 2019

Teaching Listening

What is listening?

   Every day we listen to many different things in many different ways.Whether it is conversation with a colleague, the TV news, or a new music CD, we listen. In our native language at least, we seem to automatically know "how to listen and what we are listening for. To language learners, listening is far more challenging. In this chapter, we will explore how listening works and ways to help learners become more effective listeners. Listening is an active, purposeful process of making sense of what we hear. Language skills are often categorized as receptive or productive. Speaking and writing are the productive skills. Listening. along with reading. is a receptiveskill. 

True Love Begins With Loving Yourself

The Benefits of Technology Implementation in Education

Basically, technology is created to ease humans’ work. Nowadays technology has become the primary needs of humans. Even technology has...